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It is also an overall movement of the organization towards working through the day to day “morass” of business and empowering itself to taking the necessary steps to grow and be “great” as it defines being great.

Developing concrete metrics and success factors are only as good as creating a culture of action and belief that recognizes the benefit of these tools and works towards overachieving and corrected course when needed to do so. It is said too often, but the reality is that most companies and their leaders spend entirely too much time working “in” the company, rather than “on” the company. My mission is to help aid in focusing on the latter. Initially helping to ensure that the day to day operational structure and actions of the organization is strong enough to move forward without constant day to day oversight. Implementing tools to manage the day to day business, so that efforts and energy can be put into the “bigger picture”.

My role and mission is to be a catalyst for growth of an organization. To stand outside of the internal workings of the organization while at the same time learning and understanding what those internal dynamics are to help effect change where necessary. To help define paths to not only growth, but “Strategic Growth”. Ensuring that all facets of the organization are working in synchrony towards growth. Building an organization that values and thrives on growth by implementing checks and balances to support the growth, plan for future requirements and address weaknesses as they present themselves. All with working with the key leaders and designated influencers to develop an organizational culture in which to do so.

Take the UPS and Business Consultants television commercial in which the organization “buys into” the proposal presented by the consultants and then the decision maker turns to the consultants and says, “Great, make it happen”. Only to have the consultants laugh and say amongst themselves later “can you believe he wanted us to implement things…is he crazy, doesn’t he know we are consultants”?!


My mission is to be the opposite; to work with you collaboratively, to develop programs and tools that can be implemented internally with either my external assistance and/or hands-on involvement. To help create a road map for growth of the organization towards its ultimate goals and to help ensure that the infrastructure and dynamics of the organization are in place to do so, and therefore achieving STRATEGIC GROWTH.


My mission is to create overall dynamic growth for an organization.

Growth can be defined in terms of dollars and market value,

organizational behavior and culture development, and practice improvement

to being aligned with Key Success Factors

and Critical Dashboard metrics.

Michael Minailo


  • Michael Minailo
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