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So really, what is “Executive Coaching?

I’ve asked myself that numerous times. But the reality is that it is now a new buzz word, a new business model for people, a new way to try to get better, move up in their careers, etc. etc.

Executive coaching is now a “business”. People go to classes to learn how to use certain templates related to time management, goal setting, personal accountability, etc. Yet many of these people or “coaches” haven’t really achieved, failed, learned the tough lessons that an athlete does from constant repetition and competition. Nor have they had enough experience in both the corporate world and private sector to pass on real world experiences that will help you grow. A “coach” by definition, is someone that imparts their experiences and skill-set on to you.

Executive Coaching to me is being that person in your corner, that looks at your skill set and molds and improves on those skills. A person that takes your aspirations and creates a plan to make them happen. My belief and based on my background, a coach “calls you out” when you aren’t being real with yourself or aren’t doing the work you need to do to get to the next level that you have set for yourself. Or even if you are at the “level” as a CEO, or Senior Executive; getting to the stage as being excellent at your position. Connecting with your staff, creating and communicating a “Vision” that people around you hang on to and wake up motivated by. Executive Coaching is helping you achieve your own defined “greatness”!

My background is being a “sports” jock. You name it, I played it! I played professional hockey, I got a scholarship playing Rugby, I did Jr. Rodeo riding Bulls (and I mean “Big Ass Bulls”), and in high school of course I played football, basketball and even track and field.

So that is my background.

But here is the Thing! In sports you have a “coach”! That makes sense. But in business, in life? There’s a coach for my career? -REALLY?

Here is the reality that I found. No Matter where you are in your career, life, etc., having an outlet to discuss issues, plans, aspirations, goals, is a Key to Success! The tough thing about business is that you can’t show vulnerability. You need to be confident all the time. Be in control, be able to execute and deliver. But really, here’s the thing. You need to have someone in your corner. Someone that can help you prepare for your next Board Meeting, or next presentation. Someone that you can work with you and that will help you get ready for that next big sale, or meeting, or even your next interview! It doesn’t matter what it is. The key is that a business  coach is there for you…to make you better and help you succeed.

It’s what “coaching” is all about. It’s about taking good and bad experiences, skills, capabilities, and not just learning from them, but then passing them on. It’s about looking at the last game you played, or the last meeting you were in and learning from it. What went well? What didn’t go well, and how can we improve or build on it. For me and how I do Executive Coaching is just about making you better than even you think you can be. There are very very few athletes that are just “naturals”. The great ones have typically had to work their butts off and have had to learn from coaches that directed them, drove them and kept them on task! That to me is what coaching is and it is how I coach. In every sport, I had a “coach”!

I was introduced to Executive Coaching years ago by an in incredibly success business man that wanted to align himself with other successful business people (and I mean, super successful CEOs, etc., etc.). His goal was almost altruistic. He just wanted to help them be “greater”. Not only in business, but also in their personal lives.

When he first approached me as to having a “coach” I was confused. I know in sports that there is a “coach” but in business, in life etc., “Really”? What I recognized is that sports are ultimately like life and business.


Focus, Plan and Create, and then ultimately “Achieve”.

Coaching is all about helping to create that “center” where we are not only ‘achieving’ but also ‘being’. It’s a tough order to try to make it all happen, but that is where a coach comes in. I believe in “balance”. Your career goals, your personal aspirations and your ability to enjoy life! Your success in your career and your success in what you want to achieve in your personal life are key to my value system. As a coach, I believe that I “win” when you “win”! It’s that simple….

I Want you to win!!!!

Michael Minailo
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